We are delighted to be back to training and competitive games but with the current Covid situation all players, coaches and parents/guardians must read and follow the following guidelines to ensure safety for all.
Everyone should self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms before every training session or match. If you are symptomatic or living in a household with possible or actual COVID-19 infection you must not participate or attend
Participants should follow best practice for travel including minimising use of public transport and walking or cycling if possible. People from a household or support bubble can travel together in a vehicle
Please ensure your child has been to the toilet before coming to the session. We will try and minimise toilet and changing room facilities use during training and matches.
Please ensure that your child has washed their hands or used sanitiser prior to coming to the session.
Shoelaces: Please ensure your child's shoelaces are tied extremely well before the session, if they are at an age that they cannot do it themselves. Coaches will not be able to tie a child’s laces, and if it is deemed unsafe the child will have to sit out.
Please remain nearby should we need to call you and ask you to attend or pick up your child. Reasons we may call you are:
Your child is refusing or unable to adhere to social distancing rules. We will initially ask them to sit out, but If that is not resolving the issue, we will have to call you.
Your child becomes ill with Coronavirus symptoms during the session
Your child is injured and needs picking up before the session ends (rest assured we will follow all first aid procedures as normal).
Please ensure that we have a phone number which we can contact you on during the session.
Your child will need their own drink. Please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing and a waterproof coat if needed.
Ball handling should be kept to a minimum with most contact via a boot and the ball disinfected in breaks of play.
Goal celebrations should be avoided.
Equipment should not be shared, and goalkeepers should ensure they disinfect their gloves regularly in breaks in training or matches and thoroughly afterwards. Where possible, coaches should only handle equipment in training.
We are confident that after a week or two everything will become second nature and we will be able to continue football in an enjoyable and safe way.